Woolly Sunflower (Eriophyllum lanatum), also known as Oregon Sunshine, is native to western North America and particularly abundant in the Pacific Northwest. It can be found in a variety of habitats, including grasslands, prairies, open woodlands, meadows, and coastal bluffs. The bright yellow, daisy-like flowers bring a cheerful splash of color to the landscape, and the fern-like appearance of the silvery-green foliage adds texture and contrast to garden beds or natural landscapes. It can either persist as an ephemeral in arid conditions or an evergreen in damper settings and is also shade tolerant, making it a low-maintenance option for any garden or landscape.
Woolly Sunflower blooms from late spring to summer, typically starting in May. The flowers persist for several weeks, attracting a variety of pollinators and adding vibrancy to the surrounding environment. A host plant for Painted Lady and Admiral butterflies (Vanessa spp.), other butterfly visitors include Orange Sulfurs (Colias eurytheme), Commas (Polygonia c-album), and Skippers (Hesperiidae). A pioneer species, Woolly Sunflower is often one of the first plants to colonize disturbed or bare soils and is highly deer resistant.
Its ability to grow in challenging conditions and establish itself quickly contributes to soil stabilization and assists in the restoration of degraded areas.
Woolly Sunflower prefers well-drained soils and is adaptable to various soil types, including sandy or rocky soils, and can tolerate clay soils if they are not excessively wet. Once fully established, it is drought-tolerant and requires no additional water or fertilizer. Surface sow and lightly cover with sand. Germination may be improved by sowing in fall or late winter, but dormancy is low if soils are kept consistently moist in our experience.
Woolly Sunflower - Eriophyllum lanatum
Scientific Name Eriophyllum lanatum Habitat Rocky outcrops, prairie, meadows USDA Zone 5 - 8 Native Region Western US, Canada Phenology Perennial Height 12 - 24" Light Requirement Full Sun - Partial Shade Water Requirement Low Soil Type Sand, Loam Germination Time 7-30 days Difficulty ⸙ Planting Season Fall, Late Winter - Early Spring Bloom Season Summer Pollinators Butterflies, Bees, Syrphid Flies